
鋼絲繩使用和報廢標準 Wire rope use and scrap standard



  一、材料繩利用特別注意事情   (一)運行前全面檢查信息   鋼板繩的磨壞、生銹腐蝕現象、剪切、拉伸、扭曲、疲勞過度、斷絲、鋼板繩繩芯漏出來的程度較。   (二)日常護理主要議題   1. 不銹鋼繩的采用執行期與采用方式 有太大感情,從而應才能做到按法律法規采用,請勿拖拉、拋擲,采用中對不上量過大什么意思,對不上使不銹鋼繩再次發生銳角折曲,對不上急劇下降調整啟閉極限速度,盡量避免沖擊力荷重。   2. 鋼條繩有鐵銹和灰垢時,用鋼條刷刷去并涂油。   3. 剛絲繩每安全使用4十一個月涂油第一次,涂油時是最好的用熱油(50℃時間)充溢繩芯,再擦去多出的潤滑油。   4. 鋼線繩盤好后應放置清潔衛生低溫干燥的場所,沒法從疊堆置,處理肌肉拉傷。   5. 綱絲繩兩端用綱絲扎好或用沸點低的合金材料焊牢,也可以鐵箍箍緊,進而繩頭松弛。   6. 適用中,材料繩外表面假如油滴抽出,表達出來材料繩已接受等同于大的壓力,此刻應停下增高熱負荷,齊頭并進行檢杳,必須時替換新材料繩。   7. 在用的過程中,應注重解決一下情況下造成:   (1)索道鋼絲繩繩與電氣焊線接觸到。   (2)綱絲繩間間接觸碰。   (3)不銹鋼索道鋼絲繩與廢金屬銳利割痕常常振動。   (4)鋼線繩從早已劃痕的滑輪上透過。   (5)裝卸維度高達60o。   (6)在中高溫小東西上的使用的絲繩繩,必需實行隔溫設備,為防縮減屈服強度和使用時間。   (7)綱絲繩毀壞鋸斷時,應為阻止繩股炸開的機制。     二、鐵絲繩不能用要求   鋼線繩冒出哪項癥狀的一個,應予以以車輛報廢:   1. 對於交繞的材料繩在個捻距(指同時個材料繩股環繞聲一個月的徑向高度)內的斷絲數達該繩總絲數的10%。   2. 吊運灼熱鋁合金或危機品的不銹鋼主繩,其換新斷絲數取普通起重吊裝機的一邊,如斷絲現狀多引發于布局,或在六倍于不銹鋼主繩直徑怎么算尺寸內斷絲多引發在一種上,應按第3項里面標準規定的一邊就能換新。   3. 不銹鋼鐵絲外層層不銹鋼鐵絲灼傷或剎車盤磨損達外層原絲徑的40%。   4. 鋼繩繩有看不出的內部灼傷。   5. 鋼板繩直徑約減一些達7%。   6. 剛絲繩與鋁金屬金屬接頭關鍵地方有裂口或滑移變型;插編剛絲纜繩具插編關鍵地方有明顯抽脫;澆鑄剛絲繩錨具與剛絲繩連到處有很多移,的發生抽脫跡象。   7. 鋼條繩表面能有損耗或蝕化,又有個定數量的斷絲,斷絲數應在首位項或第2項的規則上品以折減彈性常數后辨別:當損耗或蝕化率分別為在10%、15%、20%、30%-40%時,折減彈性常數匹配85%、75%、70%、60%、50%。   8. 整股斷了或短路。   9. 布局表皮鋼條繩拉伸應變呈“籠”形或鋼條繩人造纖維芯的內直徑過大較重要。   10. 主繩繩會發生扭結、全方位、硬彎、可塑性發生、麻芯脫落等明顯發生。   1. Matters needing attention in the use of wire rope (1) Check the content before use The degree of wear, corrosion, stretching, bending, deformation, fatigue, broken wire, and exposure of the core of the wire rope. (2) Maintenance precautions 1. The service life of the wire rope has a lot to do with the method of use. Therefore, it should be used according to the regulations, dragging and throwing are prohibited, overloading is not allowed during use, the wire rope is not allowed to bend at an acute angle, and the lifting speed is not allowed to change sharply. Avoid shock loads. 2. When the wire rope has rust and dust, use a wire brush to remove it and apply oil. 3. The steel wire rope should be oiled every 4 months. It is best to soak the rope core with hot oil (about 50℃) and wipe off the excess grease. 4. After the wire rope is wound, it should be placed in a clean and dry place, and should not be stacked to prevent sprain. 5. The end of the wire rope should be fastened with steel wire or welded with alloy with low melting point, or can be fastened with iron hoops to avoid loosening of the rope head. 6. ??During use, if oil droplets are squeezed out on the surface of the wire rope, it means that the wire rope has been subjected to considerable strength. At this time, the load should be stopped and the inspection should be carried out. If necessary, replace with a new wire rope. 7. During use, care should be taken to prevent the following situations from appearing: (1) The wire rope is in contact with the welding wire. (2) Direct contact between steel wire ropes. (3) Steel wire rope and metal sharp edges and corners are often rubbed. (4) The wire rope is passed through the broken pulley. (5) The hoisting angle exceeds 60o. (6) The steel wire rope used on high temperature objects must be insulated to prevent the strength and lifespan from being reduced. (7) When the wire rope is scrapped and cut, there should be measures to prevent the strands from spreading. 2. Steel wire rope scrap standard The wire rope should be scrapped if one of the following occurs: 1. The number of broken wires in a lay length (referring to the axial distance of any wire rope strand around a circle) for the entangled wire rope reaches 10% of the total wire number of the rope. 2. For steel wire ropes that are used for lifting hot metal or dangerous goods, the number of scrapped and broken wires is half of that of ordinary cranes. If wire breakage occurs locally, or within six times the diameter of the wire rope, it should be Half of the stipulated in item 1 can be scrapped. 3. The corrosion or abrasion of the steel wire on the surface of the wire rope reaches 40% of the original wire diameter. 4. The steel wire rope has obvious internal corrosion. 5. The wire rope diameter is reduced by 7%. 6. ??There are cracks or slipping deformation at the joint between the steel wire rope and the aluminum alloy; the insertion part of the inserted braided steel wire rope is severely pulled off; the cast wire rope anchorage and the wire rope have displacement at the connection point, and the phenomenon of pulling off occurs. 7. The surface of the steel wire rope is worn or corroded, and there are a certain number of broken wires. The number of broken wires should be determined by multiplying the provisions of item 1 or item 2 by the reduction factor: when the wear or corrosion rate is 10%, 15 %, 20%, 30%-40%, the reduction factor corresponds to 85%, 75%, 70%, 60%, 50%. 8. The whole strand is broken or burned out. 9. The local outer steel wire rope elongates in a "cage" shape or the diameter of the steel wire rope fiber core increases severely. 10. The wire rope is seriously deformed such as kinks, dead ends, hard bends, plastic deformation, and hemp core out.




The OK brand steel wire rope has reliable quality, complete specifications, and reasonable price. It has won the favor of the majority of users. The products are sold well in more than 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other countries.

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Nantong Farm Industrial Park, Nantong Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province



? 2020  常熟市華通鋼絲繩有限的總部            官網規劃:   
