
鋼卷吊帶平時如何維護?How to maintain the steel coil sling?



  1、鋼卷吊具在巧用時中,如呈現出來旋鎖轉動不明白敏或不到賬,應瀏覽整改冶療螺母,再瀏覽下列內臟器官:   2、棘爪的肌肉拉伸繃簧是沒有是毀損,如毀損,則應根換;   3、機械轉動齒輪團隊結構可而不是顯示卡滯,如卡滯,屬光潔不好的,則應在機械轉動齒輪團隊結構的行動過渡處加液光潔油(或光潔脂),如屬科研開發銷較緊,應合理調松螺母。如屬過渡滑絲、機械轉動齒輪管或別個桿件易變型,則應解決;   4、緩沖器區繃簧拉長量并不能是過小,若過小,則應節約緩沖器區繃簧協調的鋼纜繩高度。   5、運作中應減少鋼卷吊具顯示標志板上的顯示標志標識牌標牌膩子粉跌落。進行知道,需盡快補原顯示標志標識牌標牌的膩子粉。   6、對於鋼卷吊具上的不銹鋼鋼纜,要令地整潔并涂以滑膩油或滑膩脂,非常是不銹鋼鋼纜內彎處。   1. During the use of the steel coil spreader, if the twist lock is insensitive or not in place, check and adjust the adjusting nut, and then check the following parts: 2. Is the tension spring of the pawl damaged? If damaged, it should be replaced; 3. Whether the transmission organization is stuck, if it is stuck, it is not smooth, then lubricating oil (or smooth grease) should be added to the joint of the transmission organization. If the guide pin is too tight, loosen the nut appropriately. If the connection is loose, the transmission tube or other rods are deformed, it should be corrected; 4. Is the tension of the buffer spring too small? If it is too small, the length of the wire rope connected by the buffer spring should be shortened. 5. During operation, avoid falling of the indicator paint on the indicator plate of the steel coil spreader. Once found, it is necessary to promptly replace the paint with the original indication mark. 6. Regarding the wire rope on the steel coil spreader, the ground should be cleaned and coated with smooth oil or grease, especially the bend of the wire rope.


華通鋼纜——職業 生產的鋼絞線繩的中小型企業公司


The OK brand steel wire rope has reliable quality, complete specifications, and reasonable price. It has won the favor of the majority of users. The products are sold well in more than 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other countries.

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Nantong Farm Industrial Park, Nantong Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province



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