
尼龍吊裝繩使用及報廢標準 Nylon lifting rope use and scrap standard



  一、錦綸起吊繩應用及報損規格   1.容量輕,選用不方便;   2.不傷被吊電線電纜或其他需要套屏蔽防波套的物體外觀;   3.吊車能保持穩定、安全保障;   4.大力高,的色彩色彩鮮艷;   5.改善工作高效率,不僅節約人工成本;   6.耐蝕化、耐腐蝕功能好。     二、尼龍布吊裝作業繩的使用考慮相關事宜   1.不能動用現在已經影響的尼龍布吊裝作業繩;   2.在卸載時,不能打扭、絞卸載繩;   3.防止超載荷選擇裝載垃圾箱繩;   4.應對阻尼振蕩負債;   5.老是運行起重繩前,需診斷。     三、鋼絲吊裝作業繩的拆卸   1.不許在80℃左右自然環境中運行;   2.嚴緊用尖利平臺鉤釣;   3.禁止利用時將鋼絲吊裝作業繩在樓上拖拉、耐摩擦   4.吊繩單單從表面展現斷絲,劃痕面到達3%,應降低20%的使用,劃痕面到達6%,還應以折舊;   5.吊繩會出現張拉5%,予以以壞掉的;   6.吊繩現身較為嚴重斷絲、斷股、結扣,應予以以報損;   7、禁止與酸、典型的含堿硫酸銅溶液接觸,若有接觸應會損壞。   1. Standards for use and scrapping of nylon hoisting ropes 1. Light weight and easy to use; 2. Do not damage the surface of the suspended object; 3. Lifting is stable and safe; 4. High strength, bright colors; 5. Improve labor efficiency and save costs; 6. Good corrosion resistance and wear resistance. 2. Precautions for using nylon hoisting rope 1. Do not use damaged nylon hoisting ropes; 2. When hoisting, do not twist or twist the hoisting rope; 3. Avoid overloading the lifting rope; 4. Avoid shock load; 5. Before each use of the lifting rope, it must be checked. Three, the scrap of nylon hoisting rope 1. It is strictly forbidden to use it in an environment above 80℃; 2. Hook tightly with sharp tools; 3. It is strictly forbidden to drag or rub the nylon hoisting rope on the ground when in use 4. There are broken wires on the surface of the sling, and the wear surface reaches 3%, which should be degraded by 20%, and the wear surface reaches 6%, which should be scrapped; 5. The sling should be scrapped if it stretches by 5%; 6. The sling should be scrapped if it has severely broken wires, strands, or knots; 7. It is strictly forbidden to contact with acid and alkaline solutions. If there is contact, it should be discarded immediately.




The OK brand steel wire rope has reliable quality, complete specifications, and reasonable price. It has won the favor of the majority of users. The products are sold well in more than 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other countries.

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Nantong Farm Industrial Park, Nantong Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province



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